Area-Based Management Tools in Marine Fisheries Report now available The IUCN-CEM Fisheries Expert Group Task Force concluded the project on Area-Based Management Tools, sponsored by the Nordic Council of Ministers, with the publication of the Report on Area-Based Management Tools in Marine Fisheries, available here. The Report was widely distributed and presented at the Resumed Conference of the United Nations Fish Stock Agreement. Forest restoration can decrease zoonotic spillover risk, but caution is needed
A group of researchers from the IUCN CEM Human Health group investigated how forest restoration can affect zoonotic transmission risk in tropical areas. While the links between anthropogenic actions and zoonotic diseases is becoming better understood, very few studies have looked at the opposite question – if deforestation is a potential driver of zoonoses, does ecological restoration have the potential to repair the ecological damage and restore the ecosystem degradation to the point of decreasing the incidence of these diseases and making landscapes healthier for humans? Le Gouvello R, Cohen-Shacham E, Herr D, Spadone A, Simard F, Brugere C. 2023. The IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions™ as a tool for enhancing the sustainable development of marine aquaculture. Frontiers Marine Science. Sec. Marine Fisheries, Aquaculture and Living Resources. Reguero BG, Renaud FG, Van Zanten B, Cohen-Shacham E, Beck MB, Di Sabatino. S, Jongman B. 2022. Editorial: Nature-based solutions for natural hazards and climate change. Frontiers Environmental Sciences. Sec. Interdisciplinary Climate Studies. Luo M, Zhang Y, Cohen-Shacham E, Andrade A, Maginnis S (eds.). 2023. Towards Nature-based Solutions at scale: 10 case studies from China. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN, and Beijing, the People’s Republic of China: Ministry of Natural Resources. Shah, M. A. R., Xu, J., Carisi, F., De Paola, F., Di Sabatino, S., Domeneghetti, A., & amp; Renaud, F. G. (2023). Quantifying the effects of nature-based solutions in reducing risks from hydrometeorological hazards: Examples from Europe. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 103771. |