June 2022 Edition 6
Dear IUCN CEM Member,
We are glad to share with you the 6th issue of the Ecosystem Insider Newsletter from the Commission on Ecosystem Management – CEM, 2022.
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CEM Highlights
107th IUCN Council Meeting

54th Steering Committee meeting in Kigali, Rwanda
New IUCN Website launched
An award for Empowering women to face the challenges of landslides and disasters

Recent Events
CEM Social Event: Connecting the Dots
Nature-based Solutions core group
Angela Andrade at the National Academy of Sciences
Ecosystem Restoration at the XV World Forestry Congress
Grassland Ecosystems in South Asia, values, threats, degradation and conservation concerns
Special event on Environment and Ocean Day by the Asia Group
Nature-based solution or Nature climate solution?
Advancing Ecological Restoration in Canada: Setting the Agenda
Restoration Project Information Sharing Framework
Standards of Practice for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
Socio-Ecological Resilience and Transformation Webinars

Intruders in the Nature’s Canvas
SERT in Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems
Fisheries Expert Group supporting the development and implementation of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
UN Ocean Conference: fostering dialogue between fisheries management and conservation
CEM Dialogues
IMEC: Nature Positive: What it is and how to do it
Upcoming Events
African Protected Area Congress
Latest Publications
Ecosystems are showing symptoms or resilience loss
Between Radical and Realistic: Biodiversity, Transformation and Development Cooperation
Social Vulnerability, social-ecological resilience and coastal governance
The contribution of resilience assessment to impact assessment
IUCN Red List of Ecosystems in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
Applying the IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology to the Maldives
A view on Forest Dynamics and Conservation
Mangroves as ecosystem services in developing and under-developed nations
Impact of agriculture intensification on forest degradation in Central India