Dear IUCN Members and IUCN Commission Members, It is important to celebrate conservation successes, incentivize conservation ambitions, and demonstrate conservation impacts. To this end the IUCN membership at the World Conservation Congress in 2012 adopted WCC-2012-RES-41 that "Requests that the Species Survival Commission (SSC) ... conduct international scientific consultations to develop objective, transparent and repeatable criteria for Green Lists that systematically assess successful conservation of species". A joint Task Force of SSC and the Red List Committee was formed to deliver on this resolution. This Task Force and its six active working groups have worked tirelessly to develop what is now known as the Green Status of Species. Since March 2014, a series of consultations with the SSC, broader conservation, and academic communities has been conducted. Working with over 90 SSC Specialist groups with experts from 38 countries, 178 species from a wide variety of taxa and biomes have been used to test the proposed framework. This thorough testing has ensured the framework is robust to a wide variety of ecologies and life histories, and that it recognizes the conservation needs of all species across biomes. The Task Force has published five peer-reviewed scientific papers on the framework and its various technical components. You are invited to review the "Draft Standard for an IUCN Green Status of Species”. The draft Standard will be revised taking account of any and all inputs received before being submitted to IUCN Council for eventual adoption (pending any further consultation processes, should they be deemed necessary). The online consultation period will run until 17 April 2020, using the following link: I’m excited to see this significant body of work come to fruition and I very much welcome your inputs into this important document. I encourage you to take some time to review this draft standard document and provide your feedback so we can develop a product that delivers on your needs and the conservation needs of all species. With thanks, Jon Paul Rodriguez Chair, IUCN Species Survival Commission
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